Is it worth it to give the teeth in the darkness of fish in the cult of the lamb?

A creature lurked in the dark is waiting for you at the Pierce in Pilgrim’s passage in the lamb. If you give them a lot of fish, they will reward you with part of St. Talisman. Below we will tell you how you can get more items and what they do.

how to get particles of St. Talisman in the cult of the lamb

Parts of the sacred talisman can be obtained by performing side quests for some NPC. You will receive part of St. Talisman for giving any fisherman fish, which is part of his quest. You can also get parts from SOLO in the grotto of dispute or go to Limbo in the sanctuary of smugglers and give them an eye of a witness.

How to use particles of holy talismans in the cult of the lamb


Each holy talisman requires four parts to become whole. As soon as the Holy Talisman is ready, you can exchange it in the chapel for a new rune. These runes have unique abilities that can benefit the lamb. These include:

Fleece of the lamb *: No bonuses, you start with a regular fleece. Golden Fleece : You get +5% to damage for each murder, but lose the accumulated damage after receiving a blow. In addition, all the damage you get doubles. The rune of the glass gun : Curses are applied 100% damage and require 50% less zeal than before, but you lose 50% of your health and 50% damage in close combat.

Patient Heart *: every time you get a tarot card, you also get a painful heart (although you can only have one painful heart at the same time). You will lose all the objects received during the Crusade, if you die. Run of fate : Although all places of receiving the Tarot cards are disconnected, this rune will give you four random Tarot cards at the beginning of the race. Brand of fragile resistance : Red hearts are replaced by blue hearts in a ratio of 2: 3, but you cannot choose red hearts and restore health.

Each quest line, which provides parts, includes a maximum of four parts of the holy talisman on the character, only 20 pieces. This means that in the world there are enough pieces of your lamb to unlock every rune in the game.

Looking for more Cult of the Lamb content in games for professionals? Check out the best abilities in Cult of the Lamb.


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