Genshin Impact Version 2.7 Banner schedule

The long -awaited version of version 2.7 for Genshin Impact will be released on May 31, 2022 and will present two new characters, a five -star hydraulic lover user Elan and a four -star user of the Electrosemic Cook Sinobu, as well as a new specially selected weapon. For Yelan. The Epitome Invocation banner will be updated with a set of new and old weapons, which is combined with chosen characters when raising the rating.

The first stage will be held from May 31, 2022 until June 20, 2022, and the second stage - from June 21, 2022 to July 12, 2022. Keep in mind that the exact schedule of banners may change at the discretion of Hoyooverse..

Bunners of the Genshin Impact weapon version 2.7

the first phase

HOYOVERSE ALREADY SET All of Version 2.7 Banners and Release Date - Genshin Impact

At the first stage, simultaneous banners of the characters for Elan and Xiao will be presented. Along with them, when the rating is raised, the following weapons will appear in the Epitome Invocation.

Aqua simulacra * * Five -star onions Basic attack : from 44 to 542 Settatte : Critical damage (from 19.2 to 88.2 percent) * Passive (based on R1) : HP increases by 16 percent. When there are opponents nearby, the damage caused by the owner of this weapon increases by 20 percent. This will enter into force regardless of whether the character is on the field or not.

Ancient jade winged spear * * Five -star shaft weapons Basic attack: from 48 to 674 Steust: The chance of a critical blow (from 4.8 to 22.1 percent) Passive: * When hits, it increases the attack by 3.2/3.9/4.6/5.3/6 percent for six seconds. Maximum seven stacks. This effect can work only once every 0.3 seconds. So far, you have the maximum possible number of stacks, the damage done increases by 15/12/18/24 ** percent.

the second phase

At the second stage, a solo repeated banner of Ara Ato will be presented. While the Epitome InVocation has not yet been confirmed for this, the Redhorn StonethreSher is a probable option due to the fact that this is ITTO branded weapon. But the second five -star weapon is still a mystery.

Red -Range stone stone * * Five -star Claymore Basic attack: from 44 to 545 Steust: Critical damage (from 19.2 to 88.2 percent) Passive: * Protection increases by 28/35/42/49/56 percent . The damage to ordinary and charged attacks increases by 40/50/60/70/80 percent ** defense.

Check out our guidelines for the best assembly of Ylan Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts and much more! And the best assembly of Kuki Shinobu Genshin Impact: weapons, artifacts and much more! To start creating future characters version 2.7.


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