Steam: Show FPS

So let Steam show the FPS

The higher, the better: FPS stands for "frames per second", so pictures per second, and has been considered an important limit knife for gaming performance for many years.

To activate the FPS display of Steam, follow these steps:

  1. In the Steam menu, click View ".
  2. Select "Settings".
  3. Click "in the game" in the left menu bar.
  4. Under "FPS display in the game" is a selection menu. Open this and select a position for the FPS display in the game, for example "top left" or "bottom right".
  1. Optionally, you can also check the check mark on "High Contrast" so you better see the FPS display while playing.
  2. Close the window by clicking on "OK" below.

How to Display the in-game FPS Counter 2021 | Steam

At the next game startup via Steam, the FPS number is displayed in the game. A frame rate of 30 fps is considered a minimum for a liquid gaming experience; If the value is lower, it is advisable to blade the graphics settings - or upgrade the hardware. In addition, there are other optimization options in Windows.

In any case, the FPS display of Steam basically works for all games that you start via the client. You always keep the overview of the current performance and can read the effects of changes in the settings directly from the numbers.


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